Stakeholder Management

Engaging with stakeholders early, informing them, listening to their views, asking the right questions, and being prepared to address valid concerns is critical to project success. Our experienced Stakeholder engagement consultants build strong and mutually beneficial relationships with project stakeholders.


Our Stakeholder engagement consultants can devise your strategy, identify and categorise your stakeholders and develop a comprehensive plan for every stage of your projects development. Our team can then execute your engagement strategy, building the trusting relationships required for successful project delivery.


Our stakeholder management services include:


  • Identifying and analysing stakeholders and preparing your stakeholder management strategy
  • Developing a programme of engagement and communication
  • Developing and maintaining stakeholder engagement databases
  • Managing stakeholder relationships
  • Ensuring stakeholders’ issues are accommodated, where feasible
  • Advising on and negotiating agreements with stakeholders where required
  • Preparing Statements of Common Ground, Statements of Community Consultation or Statements of   Community Involvement
  • Reviewing formal agreements and identifying project risks and obligations that must be addressed
  • Maintaining a meticulous audit trail