about us

Our purpose is to sustainably deliver infrastructure

Which is vital to the UK through continuously developing a rich and diverse workforce. We are committed to delivering for communities and leaving lasting legacies through our work.
At the core of our project delivery is technical excellence, utilising the latest building methods,
innovations and technology to ensure we offer the best value for our clients.

We are committed to attracting, retaining and progressing talent from all backgrounds and denominations within Bellkirk, with a diverse, and resilient workforce that reflects the communities we serve.

Being a black and minority ethnic owned business and after the fall out from the Black Lives Matter In 2020 we launched our equalities framework which was integrated into our core goals for “Building for a Sustainable World”.



It focuses on two key components; environmental sustainability and social equality and this approach aims to safeguard three vital features; a resilient environment, a fair and equal community underpinned by a resilient balance sheet.